Makeup and appeal blog Monday Poll, Vol. 438

OK, it’s meow time.
You might be wondering, “So what in tarnation is this Monday Poll thing anyway!?”

Není to přesně anketa. Je to mnohem více pravidelně se vyvíjejícím (devolní?), Poněkud náhodný seznam otázek, který jsem vystavil čtenářům každý pondělí ráno za posledních devět (!) Roky. (It’s like a kickstart for your brain.) I’ve always took pleasure in reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you take pleasure in reading mine.

What’s the first thing you do at the sink every morning?
I wash my hands…because the very first thing I do when I get up is use the loo, LOL!

Oh, did I tell you yet that I found the absolute best hand soap?? Yeah, it’s the Foaming Hand Soap by Michel design Works, and my mother-in-law got me hooked on their stuff a while ago.

They come in a terrific selection of interesting scents like green Meadow and Hyacinth Iris, and they’re incredibly foamy. They also don’t make the skin on my hands dry.

I’ve seen them on Amazon for about $10, but I get mine at Marshalls for $5.99. When I see them in the appeal section I stock up.

No joke, last time I bought, like, six of them in one fell swoop. A lady standing next to me in line asked if they were any good, and I was like, “Honey! let me tell you about these soaps…” and I talked her ear off.


A type of junk food you’ll do nearly anything to keep from having to give up?
There is absolutely no way I’ll ever give up ice cream…without a fight, because a world without ice cream would be like a world without kittens.

It would be a very sad and depressing place.

Just normally speaking, what kind of appeal products do you like?
Um…all of them? but seriously, I like products that make my life much easier somehow, whether that’s a no-brainer lipstick that I know will opt for every eye and cheek color under the sun, or a tool or accessory that saves me time when I’m getting ready.

I also like products that make me feel like I’m indulging myself or being pampered, even if it’s just an otherwise common day, like perfumes, body lotions, face masks or scrubs.

Oh, and products that help me look less worn out are primo! Really, I could talk about that forever…

Fill in the blanks: “If you want _____ you have to _____.”
If you want to prosper you have to work your @ss off. If you want cats you have to carry cat treats (not really, but they help). If you want pizza you have to call me because I want some too.

What’s the best sweat-proof makeup?
I have to opt for good ol’ MAC Blot.


Do you have a lucky charm?
Does my cat count?

Tvůj tah. just copy and paste the following questions into a comment with your answers. I look forward to reading ’em!


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

1. What’s the first thing you do at the sink in the morning?
2. A type of junk food you’ll do nearly anything to keep from having to give up?
3. normally speaking, what kind of appeal products do you like?
4. fill in the blanks: “If you want _____ you have to _____.”
5. What’s the best sweat-proof makeup?
6. Do you have a lucky charm?

OK…how is it Monday already? and the end of August? Wow, how’d that happen?

Rise and shine, babe! jaký byl tvůj víkend? Mine was busy but good. I was finishing up that secret squirrel project (which reminds me, guess what) so I didn’t really do anything, but that gives me an excuse to treat myself to Starbucks this morning (hello, pink drink!).


Jak se máš? Doufám, že na tváři je úsměv. You’re gonna have a terrific week, BTW. I just know it.

Váš přátelský sousedství odvolání závislý,


Published by mwzzk

Categories: Uncategorized

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